۳Early prediction of chronic disease by periodic change of Season




۳Early prediction of chronic disease by periodic change of Season

Nasser Tabesh. MD DTCM

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture, moxibustion and mathematics


It's not an accident that the main acu points in the body are 361? 361=19 × 19. And 19 is the secret DIVINE number. 361 are the days of a year and there are 12 meridians in the Human body for 12 months in a year and  95 moons in the Solar system: 19 × 5=95. Notice the appearance of 19 here again.

Again 19 in the hand.19 # 9+1=10 19×19=361 361 #3+6+1 and eventually =10   361×361=130321.....1+3+0+3+2+1=10...19 is a specific number in GOD secret.

Answer to a patient sometimes is just waiting to see the next 2 seasons.

Secret to diagnoses

Biological clock in the body

X is a 28 years old female who had fever for more than a year; there was no sign or symptom of illness. She conducted hundreds of blood tests, lots of x-rays and MRIs under supervision of 31 specialists. She was diagnosed with FUO (fever with unknown origin). Different kinds of antibiotics were used with no exact target. Traditional Chinese Medicine asked her which hours of day or night is the worse time for her? She said 3 to 5 AM. Oh this is a time that is associated with Lung problem. Every main organ has a specific 2 hours time for receiving Qi (bioelectric energy from the universe).

This auxiliary Qi comes to those organs in worse and hard time during the ultimate activity of that organ.

If you don't want to learn TCM, you should at least learn the Biological clocks of the body for diagnostic and early prediction of chronic diseases (according to periodic changes of seasons and prediction of the diseases with T-Rotating Angle.

26. Heart disease patients feel best by noon and worsen around midnight.

27. Spleen disease patients feel best in the afternoon and worsen at daybreak.

28. Lung disease patients are most comfortable in the early evening and worsen around noon.

TCM advises



    Use controlled amounts of purgative herbs - they cause injury to spleen Qi
    Do not use any herb to promote blood circulation during pregnancy.
    Use herb warm in property to control an herb cold in property.
    Herbs inducing dieresis can damage the Yin - if using for longer than a few days, use a formula to nourish the Yin at the same time.
    When you expel any pathogenic energy, take care NOT to hurt the body's energy.
    Deficiency of Qi can lead to blood stasis.
    Use a slice of ginger on P6 (Nei Guan) to calm down vomiting.
    If pulse is deep/weak, ALWAYS take care in treating - do not hurt the heart Yang - take care with cold, purgative herbs.
    When using "warm the interior" herbs, make SURE that there is not deficiency of Yin.
    Between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m the heart channel is on duty - don't stimulate the heart channel too much at this time (will hurt Qi)
    If you use herbs to clear the heat, it can hurt the heart Yang if there is a congenital heart yang weakness (deep, weak pulse). Clear the heat for a short time, and then tonify to build up the system.
    When you eat hot & spicy foods, do not eat sour or astringent food or herbs, as that will keep the heat trapped inside.
    When you excrete dampness/induce dieresis, you move the Yang Qi. If there is a deficiency of Yang Qi, inducing duress's will not work. In this case, tonify Yang for more result.
    Feeling cold can be Yang or Yin deficiency. Be careful!
    When you tonify the heart, tonify also the spleen.
    If you use "move or regulate the Qi" herbs to stop pain, make sure that the patient is not Yin deficient, but Yang deficient. These herbs belong to "tonify the Yang." If necessary, add herbs to nourish the Yin.
    Anger... leads to... obstruction of Qi... leads to ... stagnation of Qi ... leads to ... Deficiency of Qi.
    Forgiveness is not for the benefit of "the stupid people," but is for your benefit so you can stay balanced.
    If you just use an herb to tonify blood and not any for Qi, it will not work (and vice versa).
    When you want to tonify Qi, tonify the spleen at the same time.
    Too many Yang tonifyers without herbs to nourish the Yin cause nosebleeds.
    Treat blood stasis first before nourishing the blood.
    Blood deficiency can turn into blood stasis, which can be more serious.
    When using Yin tonics, use also a few Yang tonics, as too many Yin tonics can hinder digestion.
    If there is Deficiency of Yin and Yang, ask your "Which one is more which is the first?"
    Treat asthma in the summer, as this is usually a Yang Deficient condition, and Yang is stronger in the summer.
    Astringent herbs retain the pathogenic factors - do not use on patients with residual superficial pathogens or heat of the excess type in the interior, or at the beginning of cough and asthma and at the onset of any disease.
    Ask yourself "What is the MAIN symptom?"
    Building the immune system is the same as building the Qi.
    Find the cause behind the symptom - which organ is involved? Then you can choose the best herb.



Strategy of Diagnosis & Treatment for Clinic Practice


    Four methods of Diagnosis Inspection, Auscultation & Olfaction, Inquiring (Questioning), and Pulse - Taking & Palpation. Use Shi Gang Bian Zheng, Liu Jing, Wei Qi Ying Xue, Zang Fu Bian Zheng, to analyze the disease. Is it Exterior or Interior, Cold or Hot, Deficiency or Excess, Yin or Yang, Qi or Blood, and which channel, bowel or organ is involved in the disease?
    Differentiation of Symptoms. Differentiate the symptoms and classify then according to the syndromes associated with specific channel, bowel or organ. Find out the chief and secondary cause of the disease. Which organ did the disease originate from, and which is the next organ involved. For example, Jaundice begins from Heat or Damp Heat in the Gall Bladder, and then affects the Liver and Spleen quickly. If you classify the syndrome incorrectly, even a good formula will not have an effect.
    Mechanism of Diseases

Zang Fu Chuan Bian The normal and abnormal development of disease in organs.

Lung: Zhu Qi Fen Yu, Jie Shu Yu Fei.

Respiratory disorders such as dyspnea and stuffiness of chest are pathological changes related to the Lung.

Spleen: Zhu Shi Zhong Man, Jie Shu Yu Pi.

Endogenous dampness marked by water retention and edema are pathological changes related to the Spleen.

Liver: Zhu Feng Diao Xuen, Jie Shu Yu Gan.

Endogenous dampness marked by water retention and edema are pathological changes related to the Liver.

Kidney: Zhu Han Shou Yin, Jie Shu Yu Shen,

Endogenous wind marked by contraction is a pathological changes related to the Kidney.

Heart: Zhu Tong Yang Chuang, Jie Shu Yu Xin,

Skin abscesses or sores with pain and itching are pathological changes related to the Heart.

Liu Yin Chuan Bian - (seasonal pathogens)

The six excessive or untimely atmospheric changes as exogenous pathogenic factors are: Wind, Cold, Summer Heat, Dampness, Dryness, and Fire.

Wind: Zhu Bao Jiang Zhan, Jibe Shoo Yu Fang,

Sudden onset of muscular spasm and rigidity are symptoms related to wind.

Fire: Zhu Zoo Kiang Yuen, Jibe Shoo Yu Hue.

Restlessness and mania are symptom related to Fire

Heat: Zhu Zhuan Fan Li, Shui Ye Hun Zhuo, Jibe Shoo Yu Re.

Spasm, rigidity, and opisthotonus with turbid urine are symptoms related to Heat.

Dampness: Zhu Jing Xiang Jiang, Jibe Shoo Yu Shi,

Rigidity such as stiff neck and other locomotive restrictions are pathological changes due to Dampness (p.210)

Dryness: Zhu Gan Ke Due, Jibe Shoo Yu Zoo (p.212)

Red eyes, dryness of the nasal cavity, parched lips, dry cough, cough with bloody sputum, and constipation are symptoms related to Dryness.

Cold: Zhu Bing Shui Ye, Cheng Che Qing Leng, Jibe Shoo Yu Han,

Thin, clear, and watery discharge of the body fluid is symptoms related to Cold.

Lui Jing Chuan Bian: The six channels diseases on the attack of cold pathogens (p.361)

Tai Yang Bian Syndrome of Tai Yang Channel - fever

Yang Ming Bian Syndrome of Yang Mine Channel - high fever acute abdomen

Shao Yang Bian Syndrome of Shao Yang Channel - chills and fever

Tai Yin Bian Syndrome of Tai Yin Channel

Shao Yin Bian Syndrome of shao Yin Channel

Jue Yang Bian Syndrome of Jue Yin Channel - cold

The six channel diseases have three kinds of transmission: ordinary transmission, skip - over transmission, exterior and interior transmission.

Warm Diseases: Went Bian

Wei Qi Ying Due Chuan Bian

The progression of warm disease can be divided into 4 levels: the Defensive Level (Wei Fen), the Energy Level (Qi Fen), the Nutritive Level (Ying Fen), and the Blood Level (Due Fen) - septicemia

5.The result of the treatment is the outcome of your diagnosis and treatment skill Practice is the proof of truth.

a)     Learn from the reasons why you suffer from disease, and the way your teacher provided successful treatments and helped you recover.

b)    Learn from the patients, the result of the treatment is a good indication of the accuracy of your diagnosis and treatment skills. Every opportunity to practice in the clinic is an important chance to learn about the chief and secondary cause of the disease and to use a good formula. Keep learning from the patient's progress to improve your diagnosis and treatment skills. Every one of us has the everlasting mission to undertake the responsibility of developing the T.C.M profession. Protecting people's health against the ravages of diseases is our goal in life. Let us celebrate together with our healthy bodies and minds.

6.The T.C.M Diagnosis System includes:

Shi Gang Bian Zhen, Zing Fu, Liu Jing, Wei Qi Yang Due, San Jiao, Qi Due Bian Zhen. Take and memorize these diagnosis systems and practice these as your system. It is even better if you can combine these four methods of T.C.M diagnosis with Western Diagnosis, Then you will be able to use the Western Diagnosis to know the disease and the T.C.M diagnosis to know the syndrome.

7.Treating Principles:

Find the root or cause in order to treat the disease; Balance Yin & Yang; Build up energy and expel pathogens. If there is an excess, sedate the son; if there is a deficiency, tonify the mother. Modify the formula according to seasonal conditions, geographic cases treat the symptoms first; once these are relived, treat the fundamental cause.

8.Organize the symptoms into the syndrome of specific organs. For example, when the syndrome seems more likely to belong to the Lung, may ask more about the symptoms related to that organ. With related more symptoms, they can help you to identify the specific syndrome with greater accuracy. The syndrome will be the main and most important cause in the treatment of the disease.

9.Ask about other symptoms regarding the chief complaint. Differentiate the symptoms of the disease - is it Exterior or Interior, Heat or Cold, Excess or Deficiency, Yin or Yang, Qi or Blood? Disease usually occurs due to Excess or Deficiency of Yin or Yang within the body.

10.Concise symptoms of different organs.

Lung: Fever, sneeze, cough, asthma, easily depressed, and crying

Large Intestine: Constipation, loose stool, diarrhea with foul smell or undigested food

Spleen: Poor appetite, indigestion, stomach gas and bloating, alternating loose stool and constipation, easily worried and depressed

Liver: Hypochondriac pain, bitter taste in mouth, menstrual cramps and very easily angered

Kidney: Low back pain, sore knees, frequent urination at night, easily frightened, seminal emission, impotence, low sex drive.

Heart: Palpitation, insomnia, difficult to fall asleep due to deficiency of Yin; night sweat, easily excited.

11.Ask for the patients' family history and the existence of any chronic diseases to find out if there are any genetic problems.

12.For acupuncture treatment, both safety and effectiveness are very important. Do not just look for an effect through stimulation, it can be dangerous for the patient who is deficiency, and has a deep weak or uneven pulse. Do not push the body to have the needle sensation, but let the body get it through either moxa or massage of the channels and points naturally.

13.For the deficiency patients, moxa first in the wintertime and massage in the summer time and needle less. For the excess patients, use needling and cupping to relieve the intensive heat.

14.Teach the patient self - moxa or self-acupressure so that they may do it at home daily. Check and see if the symptoms improve.

15.Press your finger against the skin and insert the needle at the same time. The pressure will distract the patient's attention, so they will feel less pain or even no pain when undergoing the acupuncture treatment. Massage the points slightly after you take put the needle. This is a good from of encouragement and it brings some comfort to the patient after the treatment.

Electro Acupuncture

16.Electric needles should be used for excess patient with severe pain and a strong pulse. If beating is slower than normal, electric needles may be used as a tunification method. Do not use electric needles for any bleeding diseases; it may increases the bleeding in the muscle under the needle.

17.If the body is deficiency in Yin or when the patient eats a lot of hot, spicy fried food; the patient will have a heat transformation more quickly than normal, when attacked by a wind heat pathogen. If the body is deficiency in Yang and the patient over-eats raw food and drinks cold drinks, they will have a cold transformation more quickly when attacked by a wind cold pathogen




تاریخ انتشار: 2018/11/05 19:55