۲Early prediction of chronic disease by periodic change of Season




۲Early prediction of chronic disease by periodic change of Season
Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture, moxibustion and mathematics

Nasser Tabesh. MD DTCM

1. To detect the conditions of the deep region by observing the superficial regions. These points to an interaction between the internal and external conditions of the human body, which is like a drum responding to beating, the echo produced by sound, or the shadow resembling its object.

2. A hot disease that remains hot after having been treated with cold herbs should be treated by toning up Yin. A cold disease that remains cold after being treated with hot herbs should be treated by toning up Yang. This is to treat a disease by reference to its Yin and Yang condition.

3. In treating a patient the physician should regulate energy and blood of his body by reference to cold and warm climate, to the full moon and the crescent moon, to floating and sinking energies, and according to the Yin and Yang rising and setting of the body.


Single organ system failure

4- When the liver is diseased it will naturally recover in the summer.

Click on Picture to see Tabesh's rotating angle


5. The worst time of liver disease is in the autumn because the lung attacks the liver.

6. The best time to treat the liver is in the winter; strengthen the mother kidney to built up the son liver.

7. The best time to balance the Yin and Yan of the liver is in the late summer, before it gets worse in the autumn, the lung attacks the liver.

8. When the heart is diseased, it will naturally recover in the late summer.

9. The worst time of heart disease is in the winter, because the kidney attacks the heart.


10. The best time to treat heart disease is in the spring, strengthen the mother liver to build up the son heart.

11. The best time to balance the yin and yan of the heart is in the fall, before it gets worse in the winter, the kidney attacks the heart.

12. When the spleen is diseased, it will naturally recover in the autumn.

13. The worst time of spleen disease is in the spring, because the liver attacks the spleen.


14. The best time to treat spleen disease is in the summer; strengthen the mother heart to build up the son, spleen.

15. The best time to balance the yin and yan of the spleen is in the winter, before it gets worse in the spring, the liver attacks the spleen.

16. When the lung is diseased, it will naturally recover in the winter.

17. The worst time of lung disease is in the summer, because the heart attacks the lung.


18. The best time to treat lung disease is in the late summer, strengthen the mother spleen to support the son lung.

19. The best time to balance the yin and yan of the lung is in the spring, before it get wores in the summer, the heart attacks the lung.

20. When the kidney is diseased it will naturally recover in the spring.

21. The worst time of kidney disease is in the late summer, because the spleen attacks the kidney.


22. The best time to treat kidney disease is in the fall, strengthen the mother lung to support the kidney son.

23. The best time to balance the yin and yan of the kidney is in the summer, before it gets worse in the late summer, the spleen attacks the kidney.

24. Treat the disease is only to treat the branch, balance the and  of the body is to treat the root, stop any recurrence of the disease.

25. We can treat chronic disease and fully recover after only year with the exception of the last stage  of any chronic disease, because we know how to choose the best time to treat the disease and balance the and  of the body as well.

A Great secret in Treatment of Organs Disease   2010 MAR 21 Vancouver BC CANADA

Nasser Tabesh MD   DTCM

Early prediction of chronic diseases according to periodic change of seasons

Problem 1

Turn the Tabesh's Rotating Angle TRA inside the 5Element circle and give the correct answer to the following questions.


1-      In which season the liver diseases should be adjusted with Acupuncture otherwise they become worse in future?

2-      In which season symptoms of the liver diseases disappears not entirely, so that the patient thinks he / she is cured?

3-      In which season the liver diseases could get worse and the patient may die?

4-      Which season is the right time for treatment of liver diseases with acupuncture and/or herbal formula?



1-In which season the Lung diseases should be adjusted with Acupuncture or herbal formula otherwise it become worse in future?

2- In which season symptom of the LUNG diseases disappears not entirely, so that the patient and doctor think he / she is cured?

3-In which season the Lung diseases could get worse or patient may die?

4-Which season is the right time for treatment of lung diseases with acupuncture and herbal formula or Antibiotics for example?


• • •

Figure3: Graph of yan and yin

Equation of yan and yin is: yin×yan=1

1-Which point is yin deficiency with constipation, dryness of skin and eyes, insomnia, hot flash nervousness?

2-which point is yan deficiency with chill cold extremities, more sleep and low energy?

3- Which point on the line equation y=ax is the healthy point?  a=tan45°=1

Do you remember in which season your last patient died?


Usually urinary fistula after a surgery doesn't need treatment.

Hundreds of different antibiotics oral or parental couldn't be useful for treatment of a simple cutaneous urinary fistula after a urinary surgery.

This problem disappeared in fall spontaneously when patient was at home and all his treatments have been stopped. This is due to the fact that: autumn is the season of urinary system treatment.


As you can see autumn is mother of winter (mother of Kidney). For this reason we suggest that every treatment is in the mother of the diseased organ.

Do you think it's only the prescribed medication that cures the patient, when it can be concluded from above that, diseases are cured in a specific season.

Liver is mother of Heart and spleen is son of the Heart.

Heart has tachycardia (a simple problem). For example to treat tachycardia the son of Heart should be needled.

Another example is when heart has beradicardia. For treatment, the mother of the heart should be needled which means liver.

For tonify, the mother should be needled, and for reducing the son should be needled.

The result: Treatment in a single organ system failure is just in the mother of that organ, or sometimes son of that organ.

The fact of TCM, mathematics and time in astrology for treatment.

Diseases and treatment depend on which point of Earth Orbit we are at.

Human being is on the earth at a point of a triangle with sun, earth and moon.



Every second each of these three angles changes; however, all three angles are always 180




تاریخ انتشار: 2021/07/04 20:42